Benghuai Expressway





Bengbu to Huainan Expressway starts from Liufu Town, Fengyang County, Chuzhou City, intersects with the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway and the southern section of Xuzhou at Xiquan Street junction, and ends at Caoan Town, Tianjiaan District, Huainan City, where the Huaifu Expressway joins with Caoan junction. The route runs through Chuzhou and Huainan, with a total length of 41.369 km and a design speed of 120 km/h. The whole line set up Guantang service area 1, Huainan East and Guantang toll station 2. The project officially started construction in October 2009 and was completed and opened to traffic in August 2012.

As an important part of the second longitudinal (Bengbu-Huangshan parallel line) of the planned expressway network of our province, the Bengbu-Huaihe Expressway directly connects the southern section of Beijing-Tai Expressway and the southern section of Hezhou-Huaifu Expressway. The completion and opening of the project can effectively relieve the traffic pressure on the southern section of Beijing-Taiwan Expressway and Xuzhou National Road 206, connect Hefei, Huainan, Chuzhou, Bengbu and other cities, and become the second fast passage from Bengbu to Hefei, which is of great significance for promoting regional economic and social development.